US activists organizing Gaza protests and acts of civil disobedience encouraged to contact PSLS for free legal support

Israel’s attacks on Palestinians continue as Israel indiscriminately targets schools, hospitals, homes and other civilian infrastructure in Gaza.  As of today, over 800 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s latest assault, and nearly 5,000 have been wounded, the vast majority civilians.  Despite the rising death toll, US policymakers continue to defend and justify Israel’s serious violations of international law.


This week, activists in the US and across the world have continued to denounce the assaults and bloodshed, organizing protests, acts of civil disobedience, call-in days, petitions, and other activities.  Below are a few examples of actions that have taken place this week, including incidents of arrest and harassment.  See examples of incidents from last week here.


On Monday, members of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and Code Pink disrupted Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer’s speech to the Christians United for Israel annual conference of over 4,000 people.  The protestors delivered a letter signed by 65,000 who are calling for an end to Israel’s war crimes and occupation of Palestinian lands.  9 Jewish New Yorkers were arrested earlier this week while demonstrating at the Friends of the Israeli Defense Force offices, demanding that the IDF stop funding war crimes in Gaza.  Among those arrested were the daughter and granddaughter of Holocaust survivors and the executive director of JVP.


New York Gaza Protest 7-24-14


Photo: Len Tsou, Adalah-NY


On Tuesday, In Chicago, pro-Palestine activists counter-protested a Stand with Israel rally in front of the Israeli Consulate.  Counter-protestors were “Cordoned off on a tiny corner hundreds of feet away, walled in by police horses, bicycle cops and dozens of Chicago cops, Homeland Security operatives, private police, and their allies.”  They reported being harassed and assaulted by Israel supporters and the police.  A Turkish-American said he was called a “terrorist”, amongst other racial slurs.  One man defending Israel’s actions was arrested for possession of a handgun after he attacked Palestine supporters, but the story got little attention.  Palestine demonstrators noted that had one among them attacked the other side, and been found with a weapon, the story would have made headlines, and the punishment would have been severe.  This imbalance is being compared to the way Palestinians are routinely treated as the aggressors, while Israel is given a green light to continue its violent subjugation of the Palestinian people.


Also on Tuesday, in Boston, following a rally of 2,000 pro-Palestine demonstrators, JVP members staged a die-in on Beacon Street, refusing to move for over two hours.  Police were present at the die-in, but no arrests were reported.  In observance of Thursday’s National Day of Action for Gaza, activists across the county mobilized in solidarity with the citizens of Gaza, demanding an end to Israel’s relentless attacks.  Over 1,000 protestors marched the streets of New York, calling for an end to US aid to Israel.


For a list of National Day of Action protests, click here, and here for reports from actions around the world.


You can TAKE ACTION NOW by calling your representatives and the White house to tell them:  No more war crimes, no more US military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel!  See CCR’s action alert here.


As groups continue to mobilize against Israel’s ongoing destruction of Gaza, Palestine Solidarity Legal Support is here to provide free legal advice, support, and resources. Contact us with questions about your rights, for advice in planning acts of civil disobedience, or to report incidents of harassment from law enforcement or counter-protestors.  For legal observers who can witness and document police misconduct, contact the National Lawyers Guild national office, or your local NLG chapter.








US activists organizing Gaza protests and acts of civil disobedience encouraged to contact PSLS for free legal support | Palestine Solidarity Legal Support.

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