Palestine’s Hidden History of Nonviolence – By Yousef Munayyer | Foreign Policy.
Kategori: Lesetips
Global churches’ peace gathering to hear call for nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience
Global churches’ peace gathering to hear call for nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience | Ekklesia.
Belarusian Vendor Detained For Wearing Anti-Lukashenka T-Shirt
Belarusian Vendor Detained For Wearing Anti-Lukashenka T-Shirt
Brush with protesters marks bad week for Mugabe and Mutasa
Brush with protesters marks bad week for Mugabe and Mutasa.
West Papua: Thousands march for freedom
West Papua: Thousands march for freedom | Green Left Weekly.
Saudi woman defies driving ban
AFP: Saudi woman defies driving ban.
Breaking the Gaza Embargo and Israeli Piracy
Breaking the Gaza Embargo and Israeli Piracy | Common Dreams.
Syria Situation Is ‘Catastrophic,’ Say Fleeing Citizens
Syria Situation Is ‘Catastrophic,’ Say Fleeing Citizens.
Israel and Palestine: Here comes your non-violent resistance
Israel and Palestine: Here comes your non-violent resistance | The Economist.
Lessons From the Freedom Rides
Lessons From the Freedom Rides via Jerry Elmer: Lessons From the Freedom Rides.