Our response to events in Syria must be built on an understanding of the lessons of history. Azaz, Syrian, Voice of America News: Scott Bob report from Azaz, Syria. Public Domain photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Azaz_Syria_during_the_Syrian_Civil_War_Missing_front_of_House.jpg Finally, after half of Syria’s population has…
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Medlemsmøte med Brian Martin onsdag 14 oktober
FMK avholder et kort årsmøte og har invitert Brian Martin fra Australia til snakke om sin seneste bok: Nonviolence Unbound. Møtet holdes på Fredshuset Møllergata 12 i Oslo kl 19:00 onsdag 14 oktober.
How Mahatma Gandhi is inspiring this man in a remote island to observe Aqua Satyagraha
Spain: Catalan President faces ‘civil disobedience’ charges over breakaway vote
‘Show Israel red card!’ Pro-Palestine protests at European Championships qualifier
The IDF’s new tool for tracking Palestinian protesters: Drones
Hong Kong’s Umbrella Protests Were More Than Just a Student Movement
For almost three months in late 2014, what came to be known as the Umbrella Movement amplified Hong Kong’s bitter struggle for the democracy its people were promised when China assumed control of the territory from Britain in 1997.…
The Struggle As The Women We Are: Communiques From The Zapatistas
The Angolans jailed for reading Gene Sharp
FMK medlem og fredsarbeider Lene Brenna er død
Lene Brenna i Porsgrunn er død, hun ble 69 år gammel. Lene var en drivkraft i lokalt FMK- og annet fredsarbeid i Grenland fra ca. 1979 og i mange år framover.