The court also summoned two other members of his former regional administration to appear on October 13.
With nearly 100 percent of the vote counted, the “Together for Yes” group of secessionists headed by regional government president Artur Mas won 62 seats in the 135-member regional parliament Sunday, short of a majority and obliging it to seek support from the radical pro-independence Popular Unity Candidacy party known as CUP, which won 10 seats.
“I hope this will end up in an agreement and that Catalans will obtain a better situation out of all this”, said Gloria Calvo, a receptionist from Barcelona as she walked in the streets of the Catalan capital.
With a general election set for December, Rajoy has ruled out the possibility of a referendum on the issue, despite polls which show most Catalans are in favor of having the choice.
“The management of all the money that is contributed by Catalonia should be more balanced”.
The main separatist alliance and a small pro-independence party won 72 of the 135 regional parliament seats.
But it was a win nevertheless, and Mas says he will unilaterally declare Catalonia independent in the next eighteen months on the strength of this vote.
At stake in Sunday’s Catalan parliamentary elections was Catalonia’s future relationship with Spain.
The three are accused of breaking the law by organising the ballot on November 9, 2014, in defiance of an injunction by Spain’s Constitutional Court.
Spanish Justice Minister Rafael Catala said the announcement of the investigation was made after the Catalan elections because the judicial system did not want it to influence the voting. Efforts to increase Catalan autonomy within the Spanish state have been frustrated by a Spanish Constitutional Court perceived to be highly politicised, and a central government intent on clawing back control over several regional policy competencies.
Spain’s two dominant parties – the ruling People’s Party and the opposition Socialists – lost tens of thousands of votes compared with the last election in 2012, boding ill for their national ambitions, although the PP suffered a much deeper setback than its rival.
September 11, 2012: At the height of Spain’s economic crisis, more than a million people protest in Barcelona demanding independence for Catalonia.
In this way they asked the citizens of Catalonia to express themselves through their vote, “keeping in mind the great values that society must be built upon, such as the respect for the rights of persons, families and institutions, as well as the honesty and transparency of the political process”.
Spain: Catalan President faces ‘civil disobedience’ charges over breakaway vote |