Two women from Australia have traveled to Kuantan in solidarity with thousands of Malaysians who oppose Lynas Corporation’s toxic and radioactive rare earth refinery. They will be joining the call from the Malaysian movement Himpunan Hijau (Green Assembly) to shut Lynas down this weekend.
Natalie Lowrey, international mining campaigner from Australia said, “We know that Lynas’ time in Malaysia is up. They have no social licence to operate, there is mass opposition across Malaysia to their Lynas Advanced Material Plant (LAMP) and they are facing a financial crisis that doesn’t look likely to be resolved.”
Lynas shares have plummeted and stands a risk on insolvency, shares in Lynas currently stand at 12c. The company requires a minimum of AU$48.172 million to be able to continue its operations.
“We believe Malaysians lives are just as valuable as Australians. In Australia no company would get approval for this type of project let alone a refinery of this scale which risks both human health and the environment.” continued Ms Lowrey.
“Lynas environmental impact assessment was deeply flawed and has not produced a safe permanent waste plan for its toxic and radioactive waste. As a signatory of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, the Australian government should never have allowed an Australian corporation to export such a toxic legacy to Malaysia.”
“If and when Lynas is shut down – whether the shut down is caused through public pressure, legal or political will, environmental disaster or Lynas’ continuing financial downfall – who will be responsible to clean up Lynas mess in Malaysia?”
Tully McIntyre, rare earth and nuclear free campaigner said, “Malaysian people have already fought and won a battle against the rare earth refining industry. In the early 90’s the Asian Rare Earth (ARE) refinery in Ipoh was closed down due to major health concerns and birth defects in the area. The company was forced to leave, but sadly the radioactive waste still remains.”
“Australians should also be concerned about radioactive waste from the plant as the company claims to be using waste by-products from the LAMP combined with fertilisers on field trials of canola and wheat crops in Western Australia.”
“This type of business as usual approach will see investors looking for secure sustainable developments and that’s why the market shows Lynas is a bad investment.”
«We demand that Lynas Corporation is held accountable and manages their waste according to “worlds-best-practice.”