Uriel Ferera, 19 years old from the southern city of Be’er Sheva, reported to the Tel Hashomer military induction base, accompanied by a demonstration of support for his refusal to serve in the Israeli military. Uriel declared his refusal to serve for reasons of conscience due to his opposition to the occupation of the Palestinian people and discrimination against Palestinians inside Israel.
Uriel was tried and sentenced that very same day to 20 days in military prison no. 6 near Atlit. Due to his refusal to wear the prison uniform, he was punished and put in solitary confinement in platoon C.
It is important to mention that Uriel appealed in advance to the military conscientious objectors committee, but was rejected.
His prison address is:
Uriel Ferera
Military ID 8004295
Military Prison No. 6
Military Postal Code 02507, IDF
Fax: +972-4-9540580
Since the prison authorities often block mail from reaching imprisoned
objectors, we also recommend you to send them your letters of support and
encouragement via e-mail to: messages2prison@newprofile.org and they
will be printed out and delivered during visits.
*Recommended Action*
First of all, please circulate this message and the information contained
in it as widely as possible, not only through e-mail, but also on websites,
social networks, conventional media, by word of mouth, etc.
Other recommendations for action:
1. Sending Letters of Support
Please send Uriel letters of support to the prison address above and via
e-mail to: <http://goog_1545205660/> messages2prison@newprofile.org
2. Letters to Authorities
It is recommended to send letters of protest on the objectors’ behalf,
by fax*, to:
Mr. Moshe Ya’alon,
Minister of Defence,
Ministry of Defence,
Tel-Aviv 61909,
E-mail: s…@mod.gov.il or pniot@mod.gov.il
Tel.: ++972-3-6975220
Fax: ++972-3-6962757
Copies of your letters can also be sent to the commander of the military
prison at:
Commander of Military Prison No. 6,
Military Prison No. 6
Military Postal Code 02507, IDF
Fax: +972-4—9540580
Another useful address for sending copies would be the Military Attorney
Denny Efroni,
Chief Military Attorney
Military postal code 9605, IDF
Fax: ++972-3-569-45-26
It would be especially useful to send your appeals to the Commander of the
Induction Base in Tel-HaShomer. It is this officer that ultimately decides
whether an objector is to be exempted from military service or sent to
another round in prison, and it is the same officer who is ultimately in
charge of the military Conscience Committee:
Gil Ben Shaul,
Commander of Induction Base,
Meitav, Tel-HaShomer
Military Postal Code 02718, IDF
Fax: ++972-3-737-60-52
For those of you who live outside Israel, it would be very effective to
send protests to your local Israeli embassy. You can find the address of
your local embassy here:
Here is a generic sample letter, which you can use in sending appeals to
authorities on the prisoners’ behalf. *Feel free to modify this letter or
write your own*:
Dear Sir/Madam,
It has come to my attention that Uriel Ferera (military ID 8004295), a
conscientious objector to military service, has been imprisoned for the
seventh time for his refusal to become part of the Israeli army, and is
held in Military Prison no. 6 in Atlit.
The imprisonment of conscientious objectors such as Ferera is a violation
of international law, of basic human rights and of plain morals. The
repeater imprisonment of conscientious objectors is an especially grave
offence, as it means sentencing a person more than once for the same
offence, and has been judged by the UN working Group on Arbitrary Detention to constitute a clear case arbitrary detention.
I therefore call for the immediate and unconditional release from prison of
Uriel Ferera, without threat of further imprisonment in the future, and
urge you and the system you are heading to respect the dignity and person
of conscientious objectors, indeed of all persons, in the future.
ACT! Demand freedom for Israeli CO Uriel Ferera.