Mass Civil Disobedience in New York Against ‘Safe Act’

Mass Civil Disobedience in New York Against Safe Act 170414gun

The state of New York is refusing to say how many gun owners complied with a mandate to register their assault weapons under the Safe Act while a Sheriff says he will not enforce the measure, suggesting that just like a similar law in Connecticut, the gun control effort has been a total failure as Americans engage in mass civil disobedience against curbs on the Second Amendment.

Owners of assault-style weapons had until Tuesday to register their weapons under the new law, but firearms advocates say they expect less than 10 per cent have complied, while, “The state refuses to say how many were registered, claiming it is confidential information protected by the law,” reports the Buffalo News.

Meanwhile, Erie County Sheriff Timothy B. Howard said he would not ask his deputies to enforce the new law, stating, “I don’t know. I am not encouraging them to do it. At the same time, their own consciences should be their guide. I am not forcing my conscience on them. That is a decision they should make.”

Protesters against the measure, labeled the “toughest” gun control law in the United States by Governor Andrew Cuomo, marked the deadline by shredding their registration cards during a demonstration in upstate New York on Tuesday, arguing that the law merely creates a new class of criminals out of responsible gun owners.

“They have been shredding the Constitution for years,” said Rus Thompson. “You shred the Constitution, we’ll shred any form you want us to fill out. They can’t arrest a million people. What are they going to do?”

A YouTube user by the name of Van Prepper posted a video showing him placing an anti-Safe Act sign outside his property wondering whether it will last one or two nights before it is defaced.

Meanwhile, Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb derided the Safe Act as “the worst piece of legislation I have seen in my 14 years as a member of the Assembly.”

“This is a law that was created absent of any public input or participation. It has been costly. It has been confusing. And it has not made New York any safer than it was prior to its enactment. Bad legislation does not get better with age, and time will not make the SAFE Act acceptable to those whose constitutional rights have been compromised,” said Kolb.

A New York judge dismissed a last minute challenge to the law yesterday, ruling that it was not unconstitutional.

Mass disobedience against gun control in New York state mirrors what happened in Connecticut earlier this year, where residents were required by law to register high capacity magazines and assault rifles manufactured after 1994.

Just over 50,000 assault weapons were registered after the law came into effect, despite the fact that there are at least 370,000 assault rifles in the hands of Connecticut gun owners, meaning that just 13% of assault rifles were registered.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.



Prison » Mass Civil Disobedience in New York Against ‘Safe Act’.

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