Statement about the events of February – March 2014 by Editorial collective of EL LIBERTARIO and individual anarchists —- One doesn’t have to be a genius to forecast that the sorry socio-economical situation in Venezuela, inherited after 14 years of Hugo Chavez’s government and made worse in a little over a year with Nicolas Maduro, was creating a conflict ready to erupt, particularly when the huge income from «black gold», which up until 3 or 4 years ago sustained the fantasy of «oil socialism», stopped. The income is still abundant, but the waste, the incompetence, the corruption and the greed of those who rule are still greater. Between the narco-generales and other predators in
uniform, highly placed bureaucrats who run the gamut from avid greed to nothingness, the boli-bourgeoisie, the bolichicos [1] and other beneficiaries of CADIVI [2], the fat slice of the castro-bourgeoisie [3], the Cuban government and its advisers in the field ready to cheat, or the agents of those transnational corporations that have got such juicy
benefits in their dealings with the «Bolivarian Revolution», the pot
should have burst sonner rather than later, with the people watching this
shameful government and at the same time suffering the worst insecurity,
lack of goods, public service crisis and the world’s highest rate of
Only the official propaganda in its shamelessness, plus the blindness
-paid for or quasi-religious – of the authoritarian Left always ready to
kneel in front of the Beloved Leader du jour, have been able to see in
this sorry spectacle the machinations of a certain imperialism they don’t
like (while other sorts are presented as «friendly»). According to this
absurd tale, from 1999 till today, Venezuela’s economy has been managed
within a brilliant strategy of building socialism, immediate attention to
the needs of the poor, honesty in funds management and massive, active and
vigilant social participation thanks to the institutions of «popular
power» and «social control». Things being so, if something is temporarily
wrong it is because of some coup conspiracy by the Yankees or their local
servants, since in essence things have never been better and the future
along this road is really promising.
But since February and very rudely, the street says otherwise because the
truth is something else. In practically all the urban centers (and we are
a country with 85% urban population) there were massive protests that,
contrary to what has been said about «bourgeois and petit-bourgeois
rioting», they are a social cross-section of people from all walks of
life, if it weren’t so, how can you explain the size and duration of the
protests? Besides, if in the economic aspect (clientelar and extractivist
oil capitalism’s crisis) there is a structural motive for the riots, there
are many reasons for many to come out and protest, reasons that were
impelled by the patent incompetence of a government which only works for
the «enchufados» [TN:connected] [4] and by now perhaps for less of them as
production and oil income decrease.
It is important to insist that this collective insurgency has been and is
basically spontaneous, if there were some who foresaw it in order to get
political advantage (such as Leoplodo Lopez and his small party Voluntad
Popular [TN: People’s Will] or Maria Corina Machado) of them it can be
said that although they have had visibility in the events, they do not
control what has been unleashed. Moreover, the rupture in the sector which
formerly followed the electoral opposition and its Mesa de Unidad
Democratica [MUD] is clear, evident in the people’s rejection of Henrique
Capriles and other leaders at several recent public events. We see a
certain correlation between that and what is happening to Chavism, where
an important part of the electoral base which, faithful to Chavez voted
for Maduro a year ago – a commitment the majority ratified by giving the
victory to the official party in the December regional ballot – now
appears indifferent to the desperate pleas to visibly show its loyalty to
the government, so that the scant official public acts recently have not
been even the shadow of what was normal when Chavez was alive. Such lack
of action by the Chavista masses (which Maduro pretends to fix with
histerical calls to join the repression) is one of the most significant
question marks of the current moment, since its permanence or break up in
one direction or the other would determine what will in the end happen.
Ruthless repression has been the privileged and sole response given up to
now by the Venezuelan government. It doesn’t seem to have any other, at
least to replace it as their main option. First because it is economically
entangled in the comings and goings of oil capitalism deeper than in the
last 70 years; there are very few possibilities to earn support and
legitimacy giving away crumbs from the clientelar carrot, so the only
thing left is the stick of the People’s National Guard and the
paramilitaries who form the so-called «collectives». Not to say that this
has resulted in immediate liabilities and future risks: they have the same
problems with the Left paramilitaries as with a can full of worms, it is
easy to open it and turn them loose, not so easy to gather them or control
them. As far as the National Guard and the impression the people have of
its recent work, we can only say that it has given rise to a vein of
propaganda, conscience and spirit of anti-militarism that as anarchists we
have to foster now and in the future, going further than the false
dichotomy of the good or bad military, since we are against the very
existence of military institutions as organs of social control and
Second, after the experience of 2002 [5] Chavism was left with the
obsession that the main danger of beign shoved out of power was a coup
d’etat, so it prepared its answer to that. The emphasis on arming,
training and coordinating the paramilitaries comes from that line, as well
as the insistent propaganda: first talking about the «economical coup
d’etat», then the «coup d’etat in progress» and now the «slow coup
d’etat», all of which is refuted when, in the midst of the suppossed coups
this victimized government extends the dates for the Carnival holidays and
calls for its celebration. Likewise, this worn out and well learned script
demands that the current adversary be presented as unequivocally fascist
and against the popular majorities, which on the one hand would fire up
explicit support for the regime on the part of large sectors of the
collective, while on the other hand it would earn it important
international support. But in the end the facts, their consequences and
-no less important- the clumsy performance by Nicolas Maduro and his
entourage have made the repressive aspect uppermost, with the consequent
damage to the government’s political credibility, which continues to
invoke the Big Bad Wolf of a military coup which no one sees, smells or
feels. Days and weeks pass without the least evidence, besides rumors and
gossip, of an unconstitutional armed action to remove it from power
(that’s what a coup is all about) while qualifying every critic as fascist
and forecasting the coming «imperialist aggressions», which only causes
embarrasement among the more timid or discreet Maduristas, and is the butt
of jokes for the rest of the people.
Let it then be clear: there are no plans for an immediate coup d’etat that
would entail a significant rupture with the elite benefitting from the
regime described in the first paragraph, as it would be absurd for them to
kill themselves. In spite of all difficulties and the obtuse reaction by
the government, there is still a margin so that, within capitalism and by
applying the capitalist adjustment measures which all those in power today
or aspiring to it fully agree with, the heirs of Chavism -with or without
Maduro- could recover full governability. Perhaps the bromide of
«socialism», «communal power» and «popular power» will continue in use or
not (that’s a minor detail) but in no way is it possible to believe that
tha boli-bourgeoisie and the connected in command will take another route
except that which will give them guarantees and impunity. Now, even more
so than under Chavez, everything points to that route going to political
accomodation with the opposition, and in Venezuela that means giving more
access to the oil manna. They did that with Lorenzo Mendoza [6] and with
that sector of the bourgeoisie that in recent years forgot to take risks
with production, in order to now live off the engorged CADIVI teats and
speculative exchange. There is also the arrangement with international
financial agents and the expensive Chinese partners, who would help it
climb out of the quagmire but would impose their conditions.
For our part, before the coming adjustment measures are imposed, we reject
them. With such measures those below, once again, will pay the piper, as
it’s usual whether under noeliberal capitalism or state capitalism. We
anarchists will continue the struggle to empower real alternatives of
autonomy for the majorities, those who somehow have made themselves known
in the strength, enthusiasm and inventiveness that in so many ways have
been expressed in these protests. Part of this task has been attending the
events, presenting public evidence and denouncing the brutal State
repression, as well as doing what we can to understand and analize what
these events have been. But for us the most important task is to continue
struggling so that the greatest number of persons, in every area where we
have a presence and influence, start to think and build together solutions
to the problems that affect them, coming from themselves and not from some
rulers whose only priority is theirs and their close allies’ profit.
Venezuela, March, 2014
[1] Group of young capitalists that have been favored by corrupt dealings
with the State.
[2] State organization in charge of regulating dollars and euros, since in
Venezuela there is official control of the foreign exchange.
[3] Name given to the capitalist class emerging in Cuba in the current
proccess from state capitalism to private enterprise capitalism.
[4] Popular name for all who get rich under the «Bolivarian Revolution»
[5] Reference to the failed coup attempt with the participation of some
military commanders to get Chavez out of power that year.
[6] Head of the main -and almost sole- large private industrial consortium
of local property operating in Venezuela today.
For more information in English and other languages, see
A-Infos (en) Venezuela – Now more than ever: Autonomy, self-management, direct action and solidarity.