Palestinians rally in Gaza against Israel’s Prawer Plan

Dozens of Palestinian youth demonstrated in Gaza City Saturday in protest of Israel’s so-called Prawer Plan to displace Bedouin residents of Negev.

Demonstrators raised posters rejecting the Prawer Plan and other Israeli practices against the Palestinian people.

The rally was organized by Gaza Strip’s Intifada Youth Coalition in conjunction with an international «day of rage» against the Prawer Plan.

«We are sending a message to our people in the Negev, asserting that they are a part and parcel of us, despite the occupation’s plans to displace them and exile them from Palestine,» coalition spokeswoman Shurouq Mahmoud said in a statement.

The demonstration is one of 24 protests against the Prawer Plan scheduled for Saturday worldwide.



The Israeli government approved the Prawer-Begin Plan in 2011, in what it says was an attempt to address the problem of unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev desert of southern Israel.

According to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, the plan will forcibly evict nearly 40,000 Bedouin and destroy their communal and social fabric, condemning them to a future of poverty and unemployment.

Other estimates put the number of Bedouin residents to be evicted by the Prawer Plan at 70,000.

Israel refuses to recognize 35 Bedouin villages in the Negev, which collectively house nearly 90,000 people.

The Israeli government denies them access to basic services and infrastructure, such as electricity and running water, and refuses to place them under municipal jurisdiction.



Palestinians rally in Gaza against Israel’s Prawer Plan | Maan News Agency.

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