On May 18, talk radio host and civil rights activist Adam Kokesh was arrested during a marijuana legalization protest in Philadelphia, Pa.
The event, known as Smoke Down Prohibition V, has been a monthly event in Philadelphia since February, with an initial event in December 2012. The events feature music and public speakers, and are intended to be peaceful demonstrations against drug laws. The events have always ended with mass public use of marijuana at 4:20 p.m. as an act of civil disobedience.
Unlike the previous four protests, police cracked down on Saturday’s protest, arresting between six and ten protesters, focusing on the organizers and speakers at the event.
Videos of Kokesh’s arrest have been posted on Youtube. In the videos, it appears that an effort was made by someone to plant drugs on him just before he was arrested, but this could not be confirmed. Kokesh was charged with resisting arrest and was ultimately taken to the United States Federal Detention facility in Philadelphia. He was later charged with refusal to process as well.
Reporters working for Kokesh’s radio show were told that Kokesh «under no circumstances would be released without going in front of the judge on Monday.»
It has been theorized that Kokesh was arrested because of his connection to the Open Carry 130704 event, but this has not been confirmed by any government spokesperson.
Adam Kokesh arrested at protest in Philadelphia – Charlotte Libertarian news | Examiner.com.