Hungarian democrats should consider boycotting the next general election scheduled for 2014 as its “predetermined outcome” would legitimise Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s staying in power, philosopher Miklos Tamas Gaspar told a demonstration in Budapest on Sunday.
Addressing a protest by anti-government Facebook group One Million for Press Freedom in Hungary (Milla) on Kalvin Square, he called on ethnic Hungarian dual citizens in other countries to stay away from next year’s elections.
Those who will take part in the elections would “only legitimise those in power for another 4, 8, 12 or 16 years,” Tamas Gaspar said. Democrats should rather consider “alternative solutions”, such as strikes, referendums, mass demonstrations, peaceful, non-violent forms of resistance, he said.
He said the democratic left should leave parliament and join civil society so as “not to serve as a fig leaf for tyranny”.
Constitutional judge Laszlo Majtenyi said that the foundations of democracy and constitutional rule of law had collapsed, with all components of free life mouldering away hour by hour.
He said that Hungarians wanted to live in a country “with a constitution co-drafted by the democratic right and left.”
“As far as I know, President Janos Ader has already signed the fourth amendment which put an end to the rule of law,” Majtenyi said.
Ex-dissident calls for election boycott, non-violent resistance at demonstration |