Unite general secretary Len McCluskey said in a television interview that they will “fight all the way to the next election” in 2015 through all possible forms including general strikes.
He told the Sky News’s Murnaghan program that the government’s policies have “battered” working people.
«The oldest form of democracy is protest, civil disobedience, any form of resistance that makes this government take a step back and know there are millions and millions of ordinary working people in our nations who are not prepared to stand idly by and watch them destroy everything that we hold dear to us in our society,” he said.
«When governments are acting in a way that is against ordinary working people we have a right, in fact we have a duty, to stand up and protest,” he added.
McCluskey, who called for a general strike during the great Trades Union Congress (TUC) rally in October last year, said the options on the table include “marches on the streets, civil disobedience [and] industrial action.”
Unions, including Unite, have launched dozens of strikes across Britain mainly over their members’ pays and pensions.
The prospect of a general strike organized by the TUC, the umbrella group that has 54 unions as members and represents almost 6.5 million workers, will be effectively paralyzing to the British economy.
PressTV – UK union pledges campaign of civil disobedience over cuts.