Negev Bedouins Hold a General Strike and Demonstration – Stop Home Demolitions and Police Brutality!











On Wednesday, October 10th, the residents of the (government recognized) Bedouin village of Bir-Hadaj managed to prevent the entry of Interior Ministry inspectors, who had intended to hand out demolition orders to residents. On Thursday October 11th, according to the residents’ reports, the inspectors came back to the village accompanied by police forces.

When residents tried to deny their entry and prevent the handing out of demolition orders, the police started shooting tear gas, rubber coated bullets and live ammunition. Several residents were injured and one women was evacuated to the hospital, while some others were afraid that going to hospital for treatment might lead to getting arrested there. Three residents did get arrested. During the tear gas shooting, some of the gas did penetrate into the local school, and the teachers had to dismiss their classes in the middle of the day.

These cases of police violence are related to and earlier case of the same kind, which occurred at the village two weeks ago, when during house demolitions the police started shooting sponge bullets and gas grenades.

The Negev Arabs’ Steering Committee announced a general strike on Thursday, October 18th, On the same day, there will be a big demonstration in front of the ministry of interior’s offices in Be’er-Sheva at 10am

Negev Bedouins Hold a General Strike and Demonstration – Stop Home Demolitions and Police Brutality!.

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