Palestinian prime minister, who has been under attack for worst-ever economic crisis to hit PA, uses his Facebook page to post anti-government song titled ‘Get a grip Fayyad’
In wake of the Palestinian social protest, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad decided to take matters into his own hands: Fayyad on Sunday posted a popular anti-government protest song, which calls on the prime minister to resign, on his own Facebook page.
The song titled «Get a grip Fayyad,» was written by Palestinian singer Kassem Najar, and since its release, has received great popularity on social media websites in the West Bank. Fayyad, who has been harshly criticized by Palestinian protesters over the rising cost of living, has already been called to resign several times.
The new hit song calls on Fayyad to listen to his people. «If the solution is your departure, then go. Leave and don’t stay. Have mercy on your people, Fayyad,» the song says.
Najar then sings: «A carton of eggs for 20, petrol prices just go up… Have mercy on your people, Fayyad.» Comments on the prime minister’s Facebook post were soon to follow. While many decided to «like» Fayyad’s post, some used the platform to further criticize Fayyad’s economic policies. Many Facebook users asked whether Fayyad really did «get a grip,» as the song says, while others thanked the prime minister for his generous heart.
One Facebook user wrote that Fayyad’s post is just another ploy intended to mislead people.
Ali Karaka, one of the active members of a Facebook group called «Wake up Fayyad» told Arab newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat that «Fayyad cunningly took care of the crisis. I think he needs to go or point an accusatory finger at those responsible for this situation.»
Fayyad posts protest song on his Facebook page – Israel News, Ynetnews.