A number of activists met with President-elect Mohamed Morsy on Wednesday to work toward implementing the partnership document that was launched at the National Front conference as a platform for achieving the goals of the revolution.
Activist Wael Ghonim said the meeting discussed transparency with the people in all decisions made by the government, while activist Wael Khalil said the meeting was to express support for Morsy.
Activist Asmaa Mahfouz said Morsy’s promises are calculated but he seems to mean well for Egypt.
The National Front issued a statement after the meeting, saying that it was agreed power should be handed over on 30 June and that the president should be sworn in before the Egyptian people and not behind closed doors.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
Full text: http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/activists-meet-morsy-discuss-goals-revolution